Shayana Shop

Wild Dagga - Leonotis Leonurus

La dagga salvaje, también conocida como marihuanilla, es una denominación general utilizada para referirse a varias especies de flores pertenecientes a la cepa leonorus. Dagga silvestre es el nombre utilizado en Sudáfrica, mientras que Marihuanilla es el término que se utiliza habitualmente en México.


Las flores de dagga salvaje tienen un efecto calmante y sedante. Algunos usuarios también afirman que induce a la euforia.


La dagga salvaje puede fumarse en un porro o en una pipa.


Su uso no está recomendado a menores de 18. Si estás embarazada, en periodo de lactancia, o tomando algún medicamento prescrito, consulta a tu médico. No excedas la dosis recomendada. Su consumo puede disminuir la habilidad para conducir u operar maquinaria pesada. No se recomienda su consumo junto con bebidas alcohólicas. No consumir junto con medicación antidepresiva. No usar si has padecido episodios psicóticos. Aviso sobre la Salud

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Okay suff to mix with weed!!Also nice smoked pure..


I didnt find what i was lookng for in this product. A bit tame for me. maybe if you are looking for a mild buzz, perhaps you might find this ok. Its the kind of thing you would smoke in college (uk) in a free period with friends.

If you are sensitive to intoxicants then this should be good for you.

Not really for me though :(

try the solid smokes like Ice-o-lator if you want to get pretty stoned fast and for a short period of time (like an hour)

Very nice. This is a nice relaxing herb. Gets you there in a natural mild way and not harsh on the throat. I recommend it for anything from listening to music, especially jazz or classical or even just relaxing in your bed reading a book. Thank you mother earth & Shayana.


no effect at all.

its beatiful seed...well dan


Have to say, very impressed with this. Nice stone from it. As others have said, it is relaxing... gives a body stone and a dreamy head feeling.

I'd say using this as a base for synthetic cannabinoids would give them a great lift.

Mixed it with viorola bark, think the dagga is stronger and it's more pleasant to smoke. I used joints rather than pipe.

A very good alternative for weed when you don't want your short termed memory impaired. Nice & calming effect and in the right dose, you can easly get a high feeling :) always good to have laying around.


its some nice stuff i have to say

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