Shayana Shop


Ayuda a tu cerebro a alcanzar su máximo potencial con este innovador estimulante funcional. SHARP contiene el mismo ingrediente activo que nuestro éxito de ventas RUSH, y cada gránulo contiene la dosis exacta necesaria para una eficacia óptima, para que puedas rendir al máximo de tus capacidades.

Tu cerebro estará tan SHARP como siempre, haciendo de este estimulante una gran elección para cualquiera que busque maximizar sus capacidades mentales y ser inmune a las distracciones externas. SHARP le ayudará a entrar en un "estado de flujo" que le llevará a la finalización de cada tarea que se proponga realizar.


Optimiza la función cerebral en general, mejora la memoria, la capacidad de aprendizaje, la concentración e incluso la percepción sensorial.


Muy útil para la productividad y la gestión de tareas.


Cada paquete contiene 10 pastillas (10 x 15 mg).
La dosis recomendada es de 1 pastilla (15mg) por la mañana, preferiblemente antes del mediodía.


Inicio: 30 - 60 minutos
Pico: 1 - 2 horas
Duración: 3 - 4 horas


4F-MPH (15mg cada pastilla)


No apto para consumo humano. Su uso no está recomendado a menores de 18. Si estás embarazada, en periodo de lactancia, o tomando algún medicamento prescrito, consulta a tu médico. No excedas la dosis recomendada. Su consumo puede disminuir la habilidad para conducir u operar maquinaria pesada. No se recomienda su consumo junto con bebidas alcohólicas. No consumir junto con medicación antidepresiva. No usar si has padecido episodios psicóticos. Aviso sobre la Salud
No enviamos este producto a los siguientes paÍses:
Austria , Germany

Comentarios SHARP Comparte tu experiencia


I'm very pleased. You notice a clear effect, similar to Speed but without the annoying side effects.


Really worked it's magic after 30 mins taking a tablet on an empty stomach. My mind was really sharp and there was a lot of body energy. In other words, I was restless af. End up cleaning the whole house and did my homework. Started to feel the comedown at around 5-6 hours after the onset. Personally I wouldn't take it everyday though..I have coffee for that :D

I clearly have ADHD without needing any psychatrist to get it obvious that I have it, as my ability to focus is really under the standards, unless the subject of focus fits with was is really motivating me inside, turning me into a monster of focusing into one single point and forgetting the whole surroundings.
I discovered then SHARP, knowing the application for ADHD, and it turn out it worked real nice, I turned into a really functionnal human being, managing my life like a expert at processing and going forward in tasks and to-do list


Delighted with the delivery! Took one 15mg pill at 10:30 and after 15mins was already feeling the onset with an elevated heart rate. I cleaned my apartment (frantically), noticed that I'm very detail oriented. Just to see if 7.5mg would do anything I took half a pill at about 5pm, if did work well for me, studied and got really into it. I recommend this for anyone who needs motivation and focus at a task at hand, it works wonders. Onset quick, duration very long.

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