Shayana Shop


Presentamos RUSH: ¡el combustible definitivo para fiestas que mantiene la energía fluyendo y la emoción por las nubes!

¿Estás preparado para llevar tu fiesta al siguiente nivel? ¡No busques más, porque RUSH está aquí para encender la noche y mantener el buen rollo! Este estimulante energizante está de nuevo en stock y disponible para que lo pidas ahora mismo, así que prepárate para potenciar tu experiencia festiva como nunca antes.


Los efectos comunes pueden incluir, entre otros: aumento de energía, vigilia, mayor concentración, euforia. RUSH está específicamente diseñado para darte un subidón de energía que dure toda la noche. Despídete de sentirte agotado o cansado mientras te diviertes, porque RUSH te mantendrá fuerte hasta el amanecer. Por favor, ten en cuenta que los efectos son mucho mayores si se experimentan en un estado de ánimo positivo y en un entorno cómodo.


Ya estés organizando una fiesta de baile salvaje, rockeando en un festival de música o simplemente pasando el rato con los amigos, Rush es tu arma secreta para pasar un rato inolvidable. No pierdas la oportunidad de hacerte con RUSH. Haz tu pedido ahora y conviértete en el alma de la fiesta. Tanto si eres un animal de la fiesta, un entusiasta de los festivales o simplemente alguien que quiere mantener el buen rollo, Rush es el energizante que alimenta tu diversión. ¡Que empiece la cuenta atrás para una noche inolvidable!


Ligero: 40 - 70 mg
Normal: 70 - 100 mg
Fuerte: 100 - 130 mg


Inicio: 30 - 45 minutos
Pico: 1 - 2 horas
Duración: 3 - 4 horas




No apto para consumo humano. Su uso no está recomendado a menores de 18. Si estás embarazada, en periodo de lactancia, o tomando algún medicamento prescrito, consulta a tu médico. No excedas la dosis recomendada. Su consumo puede disminuir la habilidad para conducir u operar maquinaria pesada. No se recomienda su consumo junto con bebidas alcohólicas. No consumir junto con medicación antidepresiva. No usar si has padecido episodios psicóticos. Aviso sobre la Salud
No enviamos este producto a los siguientes paÍses:
Austria , Germany

Comentarios RUSH Comparte tu experiencia


DAM! this stuff blew me away! it is amazing!!!
Like it better then snow!!
Only thing it hurts your nose.
But i found out, if you take a small line of 10mg, wait 15min.
then take another 90mg and it will not hurt as much.
Keep coming with this amazing stuff Shayana Rules



This is just awesome! You need very little to get a very positive mood and nice rush of energy. One of the best products out there :-)

Absolutely worth a try.
Not similar to any significant product. But it works for it's own.

It's freshing the air up.
You can go with it a long time.
Social competence guarantee.



I'm so much loving this stuff !
I reordered and I had buy 15grm 's RUSH untill now

That's so good effect and keep on me up about 3-4hours

I really love it, but I think it's little bit expensive...
If it was more lower price, I wanted to buy more 15grm or more a lots of packages

I like the RUSH than ex product Ferox
Ferox made me feeling high,but effect time was short
But RUSH makes me powerful and effect time is not so short

Only the first a few times, it's gonna makes you feeling high and so happy
And after ,you may not can feeling so high but it's may could be powerful and feeling a little bit happy

I'm already spend 12grm in this 2-3weeks ,but it's still feel like good effct and makes me powerful and keep on me up as same as first a few times

Surprise, surprise! :) RUSH is in a way, actually superior to the classic C. Never would have guessed's a winner!!


Tried to clean my coffee-cup with it and.... WOW! ... about 100mg dissolved and drunken at 10:00 p.m. and it kept me up until the morning - same again then, and you keep dancing the whole day. The best: It's enough for 5 nights and days like this B-]

I really like this - started small (1/10 gram) and had an instant burst of energy. Burns a bit, but numbs the areas applied. Feels like a real smooth speed or tons of coffee, but with no harsh body load or upset stomach. Lasts about 3-4 hours, but you can eat and everything. No euphoria, just a smooth steady burst.

* Note: Using too much brings about "the fear" - aka severe anxiety wondering if you did too much.


Well... this is a very good product. it does burn at first. Do a little, wait 5 min. due the rest. it really does what its supposed to do. I'll be getting it again for sure!!!

Really good stuff. I have tried several other sniffable products and this is by far the best, not only for the effect but also the sniffing process, doesn't hurt. Kept me up and alert all night for the party, but still felt great the next day with no major mucus issues. Also didn't get that same craving and jaw action I sometimes get from C. Will definitely be buying again!


This is an excellent product! Fully recommend to anyone looking for functional energy and focus. Also fantastic customer service especially from Mandy who is always very helpful. 1 gram seems to be a generous size. I will be definitely be ordering again.
Thanks Shayanashop, top marks! :-)

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