Shayana Shop

Catuaba - Erythroxylum Catuaba

Catuaba - Erythroxylum Catuaba
25 grams - shredded bark
Precio € 5,95
50 grams - shredded bark
Precio € 9,95
This natural bark is used to prepare catuaba, an infusion used as an aphrodisiac. Erythroxylum catuaba is native to Brazil and related to the coca-plant. It stimulates sexual drive and increases libido in both men and women.


Catuaba is an aphrodisiac for both women and man. It stimulates the bloodflow to the genitals and prolongs erections.


Boil water for 2 cups of tea mixed with 1 - 2 tablespoons of Catuaba for 15 minutes. For a stronger effect, the Catuaba can be mixed with alcohol. Put 25 grams of Catuaba in a glass bottle with ½ litre of liquor. Shake this bottle daily for 2 weeks in a row, and your Catuaba mix will be ready! A few sips of this home brewed Catuaba drink should be enough.


100% Natural Catuaba (Shredded Bark) from Brazil


Su uso no está recomendado a menores de 18. Si estás embarazada, en periodo de lactancia, o tomando algún medicamento prescrito, consulta a tu médico. No excedas la dosis recomendada. Su consumo puede disminuir la habilidad para conducir u operar maquinaria pesada. No se recomienda su consumo junto con bebidas alcohólicas. No consumir junto con medicación antidepresiva. No usar si has padecido episodios psicóticos. Aviso sobre la Salud

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