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Jolly Spacy Caps

Jolly Spacy Caps

Un pequeño paso para el hombre, una enorme activación de energía estimulante para la humanidad. Viaja al espacio exterior con Jolly Spacey y siéntete sensacional en cuerpo y mente. La mezcla de teobromina y geranamina te dará ese zumbido cosquilleante que te mantiene en pie. Vive la música de forma más intensa y siente más fuertemente que nunca los latidos con esta reacción tipo XTC. 1 o 2 cápsulas asegurarán que la fuerza te acompañe y nunca te dejarán entrar en el lado oscuro.


Te dará una reacción similar a la del XTC. Este material realmente funciona y con ingredientes extra tales como el sauce blanco y guaraná, sentirás con todo tu cuerpo todas y cada una de las sensaciones. Espera que los efectos duren unas 8 horas, así que no lo consumas si tienes planeado irte a la cama temprano… solo.


Toma 1-2 cápsulas con un vaso de agua, zumo o refresco. Los efectos empiezan después de 30-60 minutos, dependiendo del contenido de tu estómago.

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A small trip report...

+00:30 My eyes got very relaxed, could see my vision becoming narrower.
+00:45 Feeling quite calm. Thinking about taking one more, but a little later, want to see how it develops.
+01:05 Well, something is going on but only a little. Took 1 more.

+02:00 I feel lighter on my feet, but at the same time a bit tense and anxious or irritated overall. The second one definitely boosted the effects, but i'm not seeing the resemblance with Molly at all. It's a very light buzz.

+03:30 Disappointed of the effects. I feel like i need to take more for this to work properly.... It plays with the mood, sometimes i feel relaxed and calm but it comes only in very small breezes. Then it's back to irritated mode.

+05:30 Not feeling anything for a while.

Although i'm not too familiar with the main ingredient, i feel like the dose of it should be higher. Could be just me tho...



I think the most important ingredient in these is the geranium extract, which contains DMAA. The effect is not so strong, but for me it was pleasant. I was uneasy and wanted to dance to beautiful electro for five hours. My body was very light and movement just felt good in this mood..

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